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We, at Make Me Pure Help You To Make A Better Decision In Selecting Your Career. Based On This, We Will Understand You Or Your Child Capabilities Better.
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence test is a truly scientific study of point patterns. This will help in understanding a great existent’s eventuality & personality Type.
This test is grounded on understanding from Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology, and Embryology. The Test Assessment system has been formulated by scientists and Medical experts. This Test has accepted by the Entire world and also from famed universities. Medical experts and Approved clinical experience verified that fingerprints give accurate analysis of humans Multiple Intelligences and inborn eventuality.
Traditionally only IQ test is used to be a dimension tool for the degree of intelligence. Now Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test Using in the field of School council and educational institutions. mortal resource operation. Children’s memory Enhancements Programs. Career Guidance and Career Counseling.
Dermatoglyphics is a study of the patterns of fingerprints found on an individual’s fingertips. There are specific fingerprints and ridge patterns for each person. There are also separate fingerprints of identical twins. By defining the shape and different kinds of styles on the finger, discover the intrinsic ability.
We all have different kinds of intelligence. Do you know that 9 kinds of intelligence exist? This test allows you to understand which form of intelligence in your personality is more dominant. Here is the list of all 9 intelligence types.
● Interpersonal Intelligence: Self Smart
● Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Number Smart
● Musical Intelligence: Musical Smart
● Linguistic Intelligence: Word Smart
● Naturalist Intelligence: Nature Smart
● Existential Intelligence: Phil Smart
● Interpersonal Intelligence: People Smart
● Spatial Intelligence: Picture Smart
● Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence: Body Smart
At Make Me Pure, we provide you with the workshops and the sessions to teach you how to practice and carry on these sessions on yourself. Our team consists of trained doctors, psychologists, therapists, compassionate coaches, and wellness experts. They are professionally trained and experienced to assist individuals to lead a healthy, happy, and normal life. Thereby ensuring the reliability and satisfaction of the customers.
Want to Know More ?
This test shows which all brain lobes are more active & that they are all less active.
Establish trust and build confidence.
This test helps to evaluate the type of personality of an individual.
Discovering inheriting strengths and weaknesses.
This test also helps you discover your secret talent and the gift of God inside you.
Boost the sense of life's worth and its satisfaction.
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What does DMIT mean?
Calling it “medical palmistry”, doctors in India have questioned the effectiveness of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT), a popular test used on school children as a “scientific” study of fingerprints patterns a brain lobe to determine the “intrinsic capability in a child”.
Is DMIT test useful?
DMIT( Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) is a biometric analysis based on the scientific study of fingerprints. DMIT is useful for all age groups, it’s particularly advantageous for parents and instructors to understand a child‘s innate strengths as well as areas that need molding.
How DMIT test is performed?
DMIT is the study of fingerprints. All the fingers are scanned, and their fingerprints are recorded. We all know that fingerprints are unique and fully distinctive. Based on these fingerprints, a detailed report is generated.
Can DMIT test be done online?
DMIT can’t only be done through physical meetings but can be done online as well. You can sit in any corner of the world and get counselling through our certified DMIT counsellors.