Lama Fera Make me pure
Lama Fera Make me pure

Lama Fera

What is Lama Fera?


The word Lama means Lord Buddha’s disciple and the word Fera means round, or more precisely, around the body with Lord Buddha’s energy. Through the therapist, the energy of Lord Buddha is connected and directed towards the person who seeks the consultation.

This Lama Fera system heals through the release of life-force blockages in the chakras. It helps to improve spiritual skill, relieves chronic disease-induced pain and discomfort, reduces intrusive spirits, overcomes fear, anxiety, tension, and helps one communicate with a higher self.

It is known to be the quickest healing method for physical ailments. It reduces thought pressure and improves the body’s vital energy. Although this healing technique is very different from Reiki and other forms of healing therapies.

The Lama-Fera healing application methods are not the same as most other energy healing systems, such as Reiki. It also doesn’t require the laying on of hands. The most significant step taken by the healer is to serve as a medium for Lord Buddha so that the healing session can be held.

At Make Me Pure, we provide you with the lama fera workshops and the sessions to teach you how to practice and carry on these sessions on yourself. Our team consists of trained doctors, psychologists, therapists, compassionate coaches, and wellness experts. They are professionally trained and experienced to assist individuals to lead a healthy, happy, and normal life. Thereby ensuring the reliability and satisfaction of the customers.

Lama Fera

Benefits of Lama Fera

Balancing of physical and spiritual energy.

It is used to remove negative energy from the atmosphere and chakra to clear the aura.

Direct healing and effect on the root causes of diseases.

The attainment and development of awareness, enlightenment and knowledge.

It is helpful for removing the effects of spirits and black magic.

To eradicate mental, emotional fears, depression and bedwetting in case of children.

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