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7 chakras – Brief Explanation of Seven Chakras

7 chakras – Brief Explanation of Seven Chakras A chakra is a vital energy center that resides in our bodies, that isn’t sensible by utmost ultramodern medical means.  The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word, cakra, which means‘wheel’. It’s an ancient science; indeed the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Vedas have acknowledgment of chakras. Throughout history, chakras or energy centers have played an important part and the same is seen across societies similar as Chinese, Hindus, Egyptians, Greeks, Native Americans, Mayans, Incas and numerous further.  7  Chakras are energy centers/ vortexes in the body that impact the physical, internal, emotional, financial, sexual, behavioural, social, environmental & spiritual aspects of our well- being.  There are hundreds of chakras in our body but we concentrate on seven main ones for healing purposes. Energy that keeps us going, flows through these chakras as they store and distribute energy. There are seven main chakras along the spine and each chakra is associated with specific organs, systems and glands in the body. Every chakra has a specific colour and element. SEE ALSO- Does chakras play a role in making or breaking your relationship ? These seven chakras are responsible for creating our lives. When all the main seven chakras are aligned and are working together, there will be harmony in our lives at all situations. When our chakras are blocked, imbalanced or out of alignment, the free energy inflow is dammed which can lead to physical, emotional, internal or spiritual disorder.  These seven chakras are Crown Chakra, Third- eye Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Sacral Chakra & Root Chakra. The crown controls our connection with the divine, third- eye enables the senses and intuitive capability, throat controls expression, heart enables love and connections, solar plexus is the power centre, sacral is for sexuality and creativity and root is the foundation, gives strength and material effects.  These seven chakra symbols are vital to our health. Negative sensibilities hamper the spin of these chakras, performing in sickness and disorder. Brief explaination of 7 chakras- ROOT or BASE CHAKRA (Muladhara) – Zodiac signs Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus  The 4th Ray of”Harmony through Conflict”governs the base chakra or root. This chakra symbol represents the most earth- centered energy. It stands for our inherited beliefs through our productive years. Self- preservation, particular survival and our identification with the physical world centers in this bottom utmost of the main seven chakras.  A healthy root chakra connects you with vitality to your family of origin, your immediate society and to the global community. However, also this damaged root chakra will act much different, If your 0-7 years were grueling and without love. Issues of survival similar as emotional dysfunction, stress, anxiety, and restlessness will persecute you. SACRAL/ NAVAL CHAKRA (Svadhisthana) – Zodiac signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio  The 7th Ray of” Ceremonial Magic”rules this chakra symbol. The alternate from the bottom of the seven chakras is about our connections, creativity, fornication, control and money.  It’s our time of developing individuality and realizing we’re a separate reality from our parents and family. Then we learn about the opposition of contraries, male and female, positive and negative. Connections with the opposite sex are explored then. Blocks in this second of the seven chakras brings readings on resentment, disloyalty, control and power plays. SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA (Manipura) – Zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius  The 6th Ray of” Devotion” governs this chakra. This chakra symbol connects us with the energy to take action and is the seat of self- regard and expressing our particular power. Our relationship to the world around us, and our beliefs about our place within it come from this the third of the seven chakras.  Self- recognizing starts then. A healthy third chakra honors feelings, warmth, intellectual understanding, and tone- confidence. A keen mindfulness of your particular power comes from this chakra. It’s at this chakra that balance becomes possible through harmony between the upper three and lower three chakras. HEART CHAKRA (Anhata) – Zodiac signs Aquarius, Gemini and Libra  The 2nd Ray of”Love-Wisdom”rules this chakra symbol. It’s at this chakra that we start to see the possibilities of the internal and externalworld.the world of spirit and of form. The heart chakra is the integration point for the seven chakras of the body, because it holds the sacred spark of the godly and the suspicion of the Mother.  When the heart chakra symbol is open, we’re capable to forgive, our lungs are clear and our immune systems are healthy. The advanced chakras can not be assessed till we pass through the heart. A heavy heart is one that carries resentment and wrathfulness from denied feeling and feelings, as well as guilt. To have a healthy heart, you must allow these suppressed feelings to surface, heal, and fall in love with yourselves. Or, suffer from bitterness and lack of remission. An unhealthy heart chakra causes alone feelings and despair. How you love yourselves, you love others. The heart readings are tone- love and forgiveness of yourself. THROAT CHAKRA (Vissudha) – No Zodiac signs The 3rd Ray of” Active intelligence,” is associated with the fifth of the seven chakras. This chakra symbol is each about choice, restraint and the right to speak and be heard. Speaking our peace is our God given right of choice. Having said this, not all we say gives us peace. Some of what we say dis-empowers us. some empowers. What we say is caused by unloving or loving imprints from our yesterday again.  It’s through this chakra that we manifest what we want in life. A healthy throat chakra makes your voice clear and it resonates with trueness. The words are a creative expression of the actually and trust we feel within.  Blocks in this chakra make it delicate to communicate because we feel suppressed by swallowed feelings and passions. The voice is weak and your passions unclear or garbled. Integrity plays a huge part in the proper functioning of the throat chakra. Since