Why is the third eye chakra closed in the first place?
Well, the third eye chakra isn’t closed, just under- working. In fact you would witness major problems if any chakras were closed, they serve with the body and organs and play an important part in maintaining life by rightly distributing/ filtering/ changing energy.
It’s underworking due to multiple reasons such as preset conditioning of the mind, energy blockages, negative energy, limiting beliefs, and the calcification of the pineal gland.
The accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland causes it to harden which makes it produce lower melatonin, disturbs its wake- sleep regulation and halts its capability to enable psychic perception.
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thus, it’s essential to clear your third eye chakra of blockages and decalcify your pineal gland if you plan to awaken your third eye. However, you’re really likely to attract negative realities and become genuinely vulnerable to psychic attacks, If you force your third eye to awaken early.
The energetic programming in this important audio field will actually clear your third eye of all blockages and decalcify the pineal gland. At the same time, it’ll stimulate and grow the third eye open in a way that you witness all the positive benefits you see below.
Now, everyone experiences different benefits upon opening the third eye but these are the benefits you can anticipate upon opening it and developing your capabilities through practice.
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How Do Chakras Become Blocked?
Chakras can be understood as energy centers that are gathered around the midline of the body and work their way up the spine. They gather around major organs and can be visualized as small vortexes of energy within the body that also radiate their energy outwards about one bottom.
The chakras encompass the emotional, physical, and spiritual layers that relate to that specific chakras purpose. Each chakra holds a different aspect of our psyche as well as has different elements and physical organs associated with it.
The chakra system works similar to a river segmented into seven sections. If one section becomes clogged it’ll affect the water inflow within the other sections of the river. Each chakra can become blocked by suppressed emotions, fears, and holding onto what we need to let go of for our evolution.
The chakra system also works as a mirror into our feelings and beliefs around what the energy that chakra represents. We can look into imbalances and pain within the internal, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies and trace it back through the chakra system to the chakra it correlates with and find ways to heal it.
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Third eye activation course near me
Potential Extrasensory Gifts You Could Acquire Through Opening of 3rd Eye
Psychic abilities Clairvoyance, or clear seeing. This means that you can see glimpses beyond the physical realm. You might see images of your own soul, different universes, or something that’s happening in a completely different time period.
Claircognizance, or clear knowing. This is a knowledge that putatively appears out of nowhere. You either know commodity that will happen in the future, something that there’s no possible way you could have known about the past or something integral to your soul.
Clairaudience, or clear hearing. communications come to you through audial means. You’re capable to hear idioms, words, or sometimes long discussions. These could be related to any time period, universe, or soul relation.
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Clairempathy, or clear feeling. Normal empathy is the capability to relate to feelings outside of yourself. The description only carries so far as the physical world. With Clairempathy still, the capability is expended farther out. However, you have Clairempathy, If you’re extremely sensitive to emotional energy.
Clairtangency, or clear knowing through touch. However, heritage, and history, If you ’ve ever touched an insensible object and been rushed with an affluence of information about its soul.
Clairsentience, or clear knowing through feeling. This is different from Clairempathy is that this is the capability to feel the present, past, or future physical and emotional states of others. This means that they can sense the energy of buildings based on the people that have inhabited it in the past.
Clairstance, or clear knowing through taste. You can taste things on your tongue without there being anything in your mouth. You know through your sense of taste what the mood of the room is, how people are feeling, and why they’re feeling that way.
Clairalience, or clear knowing through smell. However, you’re likely blessed with this, If rooms smell different depending on the mood of the crowds in them.
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