How to Read the Tarot Cards?
Like anything else, practice will make perfect! The continuous play of day-to-day Tarot pulls will help a apprentice become an expert in no time. The easiest way to begin learning all 78 Tarot cards is doing small, daily pulls. Begin with pulling one card a day to sit with. Ask yourself what stands out in the card, what particular keywords come to mind, what your suspicion picks up. Even journal what you think of the card pull!
Also look up the meaning of the card to see how spot – on both memory and intuition were according to the meaning of the card. Starting with small pulls helps the apprentice reader become comfortable with understanding the cards one – by – one, which allows for muscle memory to make. From there, add further cards to the pulls. In time, the Celtic Cross or a massive spread will feel like child’s play! It’ll also help the reader figure out what style of reading works best for them as well.
Some Tarot readers only need three cards to get the whole picture while others use deep spreads with multiple decks. It’s truly over to the reader, as every anthology will differ in application, use, style, and practice.
With that being said, all 78 cards can be enough dispiriting to learn. After all, each card is complex, from the imagery to the numerology to the divination. To simplify, it’s first recommended to learn the astrological significance of the Major Arcana, the essential correspondence of the Minor Arcana, and a many keywords for each card in both positions. It’s also easier to master upright positions of each card before considering the reversed positions!
SEE ALSO- Do Tarot Cards Really predict the future ?
How to do a yes-or-no tarot reading:
- Begin pulling cards face- up, one by one in a pile, until either an ace turns up or you’ve counted out 13 cards without getting an ace.
- Start a alternate pile to the right of the first one, and repeat that same process, until you’ve pulled an ace or gotten up to 13 cards.
- You will repeat this one further time with a third pile, placed to the right of the alternate pile. Pull your cards until an ace appears or you’ve drawn 13 cards.
- However, the answer to the question is yes, If three aces have appeared.
- even so, the answer is no, If no aces have appeared.
- even so, the answer is likely, but you may still need to put in some trouble to bring the matter to achievement, If two aces turned up.
- even so, the answer is” likely not”; even so, there is still a possibility, If only one ace turned up.

Tarot is not intended to answer specific yes or no questions.
Utmost say it also should not be used to make opinions, but rather should be used as a companion to help you make the decision yourself. For this reason, the way a question is stated is very important. Tarot reader and teacher Joan Bunning gives this advice
- Keep your options open If you have the answer before the reading, also you are not allowing the cards to guide your overall decision. Bunning offers this illustration Asking how you could encourage your mother-in- law to move out, as opposed to asking how you can get along better with her, is narrowing the realm of the true question by answering it before you even get started.
- Find the best degree of detail Your question should be concentrated but not exorbitantly detailed. Rather than looking at one aspect of a problem, find a way to look more highly at it. For case, rather than asking how you can make your home life less chaotic, ask how you can more balance the family’s schedules. That is a focused question. But don’t go so far as to ask how you can coordinate baseball, soccer and Cub Scout schedules and still have family time — that is too detailed. Only include the minimum level of detail wanted in order to express what you want to learn from the cards.
- Focus on yourself If the reading is for you, make sure your question centers on you rather than on someone else who you think may be the root of your problem. For case, asking why your teenager is experimenting with drugs is concentrating on them, not you. Asking what role you play in your teen’s decision to experiment with medicines brings the question back to you.
- Stay neutral Your question should not convey a preconceived notion that your view is inescapably the right one. For case, asking why you are doing additional work around the house than your partner is not neutral; asking how you can get further cooperation from your partner when it comes to housework is neutral.
- Be positive This one’s straightforward. Instead of asking why a specific event hasn’t occurred, ask what you can do to help make that event occur.
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