Is astral travel real ? | Astral Projection in Hindi| Astral travel meaning in hindi | Astral travel kya hai
Have you heard of an out-of- body experience? You may have seen it in pictures, like Awake, Doctor Sleep, and Behind Her Eyes. But is it just science fabrication or is astral travel real? Can you really leave your physical body?
You may have fears of OBEs and exploring astral planes, but it can be incredibly mind- opening and fun. But before you jet off into the realm beyond.
It’s based on the premise that attached to the physical body is the spiritual character, a subtle body that can be loosened and released during deep fasting, deep contemplation and death.
The spiritual body can also be released during the’hypnagogic’ state that occurs between insomnia and sleep, where unrealities and incredulous perceptivity happen.
It can be disturbing and shocking as we struggle to shake ourselves back to full knowledge. During hypnagogia, our audile and visual perceptivity is heightened.
Still, we’re served with casts of the spiritual worlds, in particular, If we allow the process to run its course and we aren’t cowed.
Freely performed, astral trip requires deep relaxation convinced by special breathing ways. Visualisation is also essential. After relaxing every branch, visualising the spiritual body leaving the physical body is the linchpin for success.
This requires tolerance, perseverance and attachment. Of note is that the threat of remaining in the astral world without ever returning to the body is zero. Only death will fully ramify the silver cord that attaches the physical and spiritual bodies.
Is Astral Travel Real?
Yes, but it’s not for entertainment seekers. It takes a little further. But what’s the significance? Why do you want to leave your body ? If someone shoots you in the head, anyway you’ll travel without your body! The time for that will anyway come, eventually. What’s the hurry now? Unless there’s a specific purpose, it isn’t worth exploring simply for entertainment because it takes an enormous trouble to get mastery over those effects, and in the end, what do you achieve? It’s of no spiritual consequence.
This conception hinges on the idea that humans have” astral bodies” ( sometimes appertained to as etheric, energetic, or subtle bodies, or souls) and that there’s an” astral realm”that transcends the touchable world around us. The idea of an astral realm is found in numerous different cultures and faiths ( including in Hinduism and colorful occult traditions similar as Sufism and Kabbalah). When you astral project, it’s believed that your soul or etheric body leaves your physical body in order to travel through this other-worldly plane.

How Astral Travel can change your life
People report an inner awakening of their spiritual identity, and a complete changeover of their conception of self. They see themselves as further apprehensive and alive — as being one with the creation. Numerous claim to no longer fear death. Prescience, telepathy, presentiments, prophecy, the ability to see auras and numerous other psychic competences are frequently reported to be enhanced by out-of- body gests. The reason for this is presently unknown but numerous believe it’s simply a natural result of us getting more open and in tune with our internal energy systems.
There are many reports of individualities healing themselves and others when out-of- body. Frequently this healing is initiated by a focused study directed to a specific area of the body.
Our limited scientific understanding of human advertence and the measureless capabilities of the soul is the reason we still classify experiences similar as OBEs as paranormal, indeed though further and further substantiation points to a great chance of humanity having an out of body experience at least once in their life.
Having particular experiences which point to the fact that we continue to live after death tends to make us wiser and further determined.
The implications of understanding life and death — two great mystifications we witness and experience regularly but have always struggled to completely grasp — would be far reaching for all of humankind.”
Once you learn to leave your body, the freedom you will discover will convert your life. Explore new worlds … learn to travel with a mate … go back and forth through time … indeed find a lover … but, most importantly, lose your fear of death as you discover that you’re a spiritual being independent of your physical body.An Out of Body experience is a miracle where the consciousness detaches and moves away from the body, therefore being able to witness a reality that’s far subtler than this ordinary one. This miracle is also known as astral Travel, astral projection, and soul travel.
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