What is the Purpose of Life?
Realize your purpose of life through past life regression
We all have a purpose in life; feeling purposeful is essential for mental health and well-being. But, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what matters most to you.
To uncover your true purpose, it’s important to assess your current life and activities. Take some time to deeply reflect on the things you’re already doing in your daily life and ask yourself questions like “What makes me feel alive?” or “What am I most passionate about?” This will help you locate clues about what matters most to you and what kind of purposeful connections you might make.
To discover what matters most in life, it’s vital to tap into your intuition and follow your passions. When you do this, will begin to recognize how special you are and the unique gifts you can share with the world. Focusing on what brings you joy, such as hobbies or interests, can help to bring clarity and develop a deeper connection with your true purpose.
To uncover what really matters in life, it’s beneficial to start a day-to-day practice of gratitude. Healthy and consistent reflection will help kindle the flame of your true purpose and realize that each moment is full of power. Dedicate some time each day to focus on being thankful for even the smallest things and this will allow you to appreciate the bigger picture.
Have you ever wondered what the meaning of your life is and why you exist? Through past life regression, you can experience memories and insights that have previously been hidden in other lifetimes. By revisiting these past lives through guided visualization, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and ultimately, find your true purpose in life.
What is Past life regression?
Past life regression is a powerful therapeutic technique, used to help people access memories from past lives and gain insights, revelations and healing from them. Through careful visualization techniques that help you tap into a part of your subconscious mind, an experienced practitioner will guide you through the process of exploring these memories in vivid detail—allowing you to uncover information that can be transformative.
Explore the benefits of past life regression
From resolving deep-rooted issues to gaining a better understanding of one’s purpose in life, there are a wide range of amazing benefits associated with past life regression. Uncovering forgotten memories and receiving valuable insights from them can help you heal on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. You may even find that dormant talents or special gifts resurface—revealing the complete and powerful individual within you. Become more connected with the world around you by learning about possible soul connections in your life. Gather important insights into impulses and behavior patterns which originate from another lifetime.
Uncover hidden dreams, skills, talents and spiritual gifts from other lives that can be brought forward into this one

How to Know about past life?
Have you ever had memories that felt like they were memories of a life you lived before? Are there moments when you’re reminded of another life, an old memory or a feeling that just won’t go away? Do you feel as though – on some level – you already know what your true purpose is and hide a secret past kept deep within? Combining elements of past life regression therapy and hypnosis, will help you unlock those long-buried secrets and allow you to explore the many facets of your previous existences.
– Learn techniques for unlocking old memories buried deep in your subconscious
– Discover details about events from previous lives
– Guided visualizations & meditations for clearing out traumatic blockages from the past
– Exercises for understanding & processing past life emotions & themes in daily life
Learn about different techniques in past life regression
To get the most out of your past life regression journey, it’s important to learn and use the different techniques involved. These typically include guided imagery, hypnotherapy, automatic writing, and natal analysis. Guided imagery is one of the most common—it’s a relaxational technique that allows you to focus on sensory images in order to let your subconscious mind tap into memories from your past lifetimes. Hypnotherapy uses hypnotic trance for uncovering forgotten memories and gaining insight into your true self. Automatic writing can awaken answers from beyond our conscious cognition, while natal analysis can aid in discovering surprising facts about relationships, influences, and life paths of previous incarnations.
Use sensory experiences and imagery during regressions
There are many ways to strengthen and deepen the experience of past life regression. During the session, give your practitioner permission to use sensory experiences and imagery prior to entering into deep relaxation. This could include simple things such as aromatherapy or visualizations of a guided journey back in time. Encouraging your practitioner to employ these techniques will help promote safety, relaxation and insight that come with recall during regressions.