How to use the power of subconscious mind??
You cannot possibly understand the true strength that resides within you until you use the power of subconscious mind. With this power, you can do anything!
Many people live day to day with a fear mindset, inferring from millions of negative thoughts. This is a form of control, not by others, but a control that derives from our limitations.
Our limitations are created, not so important by outside influences, but rather from the way we think. This is one important area where the power of the subconscious mind comes into play.
Conscious Mind Vs. Your Subconscious Mind?
The conscious mind can be described as whatever you’re presently apprehensive of. What you’re feeling, doing, seeing, touching, passing. You’re conscious of it, or apprehensive of it.
Consciousness doesn’t involve stored information. It’s what’s happening now. It does involve thinking and making opinions. It’s easy to control your conscious mind because you’re capable to use it to make choices.
In contrast, your subconscious mind is always working in the background, but you aren’t inescapably aware of it. occasionally called the unconscious mind, your subconscious mind contains all of the stored information of everything you have ever felt.
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Because of this, it influences how you reply to effects, similar as why you’re shy, lazy, eat too important, or have an addiction. On the positive side, your subconscious mind also affects things like why you’re motivated, confident, successful, cheerful, hopeful and so on.
The key is using your knowledge to appreciatively impact your subconscious thoughts. Learning how to use the two together is a powerful tool.

How to use the power of subconscious mind?
- Don’t bother completing that negative thought. Just stop it right there and change it to a happy, positive thought. Yes, I know it’s delicate but you can, with practice and tolerance. In ancient India, it was believed that there are angels everywhere who are simply waiting to grant people their wishes. So, if you say I ’m going to have a really hard day- watch out! There could be an angel nearby that’s only too pleased to grant your wish!
- Think positive and only suppose good. occasionally it’s not possible. also just relax. However, let them, If negative thoughts come. Envelop yourself and emit positivity through contemplation, faith in a benevolent advanced power and yourself.
- Start the day on a positive note. Look at your hands every morning, and tell yourself These hands are going to do amazing work.
- Every night, meditate for ten minutes before turning in and be thankful. It does n’t matter how your day went, what challenges you had, and the failures. Just be thankful. And be happy. You ’ve got a lot going for you in the present moment, right then and right now.
- Meditate. Yes, you got that right. Our subconscious mind is a storage of our passions, experiences, and thoughts. And we ’re all human. Events and people will leave their residue on us. It’s natural. Just use contemplation as a special detox for your subconscious. Contemplation does a whole lot more. Know that it does a lot of good, and your subconscious will love your practice of contemplation.
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- Sleep well. A lack of sleep can pressurize the body and mind to serve at their optimal situations when actually, they’re exhausted. An exhausted mind is susceptible to irritation, wrathfulness, and negativity. An exhausted body is depleting its reserves. Sleep for at least 6- 8 hours to help program yourself to a positive state of life.
- Think big. Dream larger- than- life. And know that concentrating on a thing that has a good intention is the best thing ever. It’ll give you a sense of purpose, strength to overcome challenges and lift your mind from small, petty issues in life.
- Be confident. Ask for what you want from the universe. But don’t hesitate. However, the universe will reflect your energy, If you ’re reluctant to ask the question or aren’t sure about getting it. And maybe it wo n’t be sure about giving you what you want. Not a pretty thought, right?
- Work hard. You’ve formerly asked and expressed yourself easily. Now, work for it. Don’t assume something pretty will just land at your door without an inch of hard work. Work for your dream, your desires, your asks.
And now, have faith. You ’ve asked confidently; you ’ve worked hard. Now surrender it. Be happy and have the faith that only the best will happen to you.
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